Types of Performance Management System

A look at the different types of Performance Management System approaches to take when performing appraisals

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Performance Management

Paradiso offers both On-Premise
and Cloud Performance Management System

Performance Management

Performance Management System Approaches

General evaluation

The general evaluation has to do with constant communication between the manager or supervisor with the employee. It is an evaluation that is carried out throughout the year, in a more informal, verbal way and thus the fulfilment of goals is determined, feedback is made and new objectives are drawn.

General evaluation

Performance Ranking

Ranking systems evaluate the employees in order of performance levels, putting them from the highest to the lowest performance levels of a specific group. This method compares all group of employees between them but gets short when trying to identify the medium/average links in the company.


This is a systematic method similar to the used in schools. Going from 1 to 5 or A to F it ranks employees performance levels from high to low and allows to evaluate specific parts of the employee’s work in different areas.

Goals Tracking

It helps to evaluate the employees by projects, separating them from the rest for specific evaluations about a single department, set of goals, workgroups or other segments and their annual performance for that particular project.
This method has a hierarchy mode that brings more effectiveness to the evaluation due that it organizes the goals by the entire organization, department and individual staff members and their responsibilities within the project.

360-degree evaluation

This evaluation process has an approach from different angles, taking information from the direct manager, the colleagues and other staff members that have contact with the employee.
This is a very effective form of evaluation thanks to the multiple feedback sources it has.

Competency-Based evaluation

Competency-Based evaluation

This form of evaluation focuses in the competencies of the employee and how they achieve training goals to acquire specific skills to develop their work.
It has the ability to evaluate knowledge acquirement, attendance, levels of understanding, content effectiveness and much more.

Behaviour evaluation

This is a way to evaluate the employee’s behaviour instead of their performance.
This method counts with a group of specific behaviours used as reference points to grade the employees in different angles.
This evaluation process takes more time and effort to implement since you have to collect data and employees information to build the behaviour charts.

Behaviour evaluation

Sales performance evaluation

Sales performance evaluation

A salesperson is evaluated by the goals he/she has set versus his/her results. Salesmen are closely held to the financial goals of any organization. The manager and salesperson must find out ways to achieve goals prior to which they must set realistic goals.

Performance Management

Performance Management Software Features

360 Degree Feedback

360 Degree Feedback

360-degree feedback process helps in gathering feedback from employee's subordinates, colleagues, and supervisor and at the same time assist with self-evaluation by the employee themselves.

Skill Training

Skill Training

With our employee management software, you will be able to train your employees in those specific skills that you need them to acquire through a great LMS system. Also, detect those members of your staff that are below the rest and provide focused training for them.



Performance appraisal is a feature by which predefined KPI or ORK is documented and evaluated for an individual employee. This appraisal system gets a notification to complete regular reviews of employees.



Competencies support the provision of feedback on what an employee has accomplished and how the complete work was performed. It also helps in achieving consistent results ie KPI's predefined by the organization.

Advanced Reports

Advanced Reports

Reports are one of the most important features of any software system that involves the user’s activity. With the Advanced Reports feature you will be able to track and measure every activity that your users or your platform do for you.

Self-evaluation tools

Self-evaluation tools

To assess the progress, your system should allow employees to complete self-evaluations periodically. Self-evaluations help people think critically about their performance and where they aim to improve.

Performance Management

Our Performance Management
System integrates with your company.


Our performance appraisal system integrates with several HRIS systems, such as Peoplesoft, SAP and Oracle, to keep user profile and course completion synced across both platforms. When a new employee joins the company, a new account is automatically created & the employee is access to all onboarding in Paradiso LMS.




Paradiso performance management system integrates with productivity and collaboration tools such as Google Apps, Office 360, One Drive, Evernote and more. Our integrations help your staff stay organized with their daily tasks without having to download any external app! Again, the feature of single sign-on is applicable while integrating these tools.


Our system seamlessly integrates with Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, SugarCRM and others. Our performance appraisal system integrations make it easy to implement sales, customer and partner training programs and boost sales training. Also, the feature of single sign-on (SSO) is applicable in the Paradiso LMS-CRM integration.




Paradiso performance management system integrates with video conferencing platforms such as WebEx, Adobe Connect, GoToMeeting, Big Blue Button and Google Hangouts among others. You can access remote classes, webinars or online company events right from your eLearning platform via Single Sign-On with video conferencing.


Paradiso integrates with content management systems such as Joomla, WordPress and Drupal. The CMS allows organizations to manage their portals or websites from their LMS instances. LMS-CMS Integration gives users the ability to easily access their Learning Management System eLearning platform.




The performance management system lets your employees use LDAP, LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook, Twitter and many other social platforms for authentication. By making it simple for your employees to log on, you make it easier for them to adapt to the new LMS platform. This feature of SSO (Single Sign-On) also helps reduce password failure errors.

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