Bring Moodle™ and Google Apps
together with Single Sign-On


Google Apps and Moodle™ Integration

Leverage and share documents, work files and online training content across Google Apps and Moodle™.

Students are able to use Moodle™ to access course content, and then use Google Apps as a productivity suite to carry out their work.

Google Apps can transform Moodle™ into a rich, collaborative learning environment. Use them to share calendars,

create documents, spreadsheets and slides, and to update, organize and store them on Google Drive.

Features of Moodle™ and Google Apps Integration

Moodle™, Google Apps and Single Sign-On

Access Google Apps directly from Moodle™ – SSO means you are automatically signed into Google Apps, so no need to enter any other credentials.

User Auto-Enrollment

Two way user synchronization between Google Apps and Moodle™. Automatically enroll users from Google Apps to Moodle™. Moodle™ users are also automatically created in Google Apps (Google Docs, Calendar, and Gmail).

LMS Google Apps
Importing Files from Google

Importing Files from Google Apps into Moodle™

It’s easy to import presentations, images, audio and video from Google Docs and YouTube into Moodle™, providing direct access to content stored on Google and more seamless ways to build learning modules and courses in Moodle™.

User Auto-Enrollment

Two way user synchronization between Google Apps and Moodle™. Automatically enroll users from Google Apps to Moodle™. Moodle™ users are also automatically created in Google Apps (Google Docs, Calendar, and Gmail).

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