What are some of the well known tools for creating games for e-learning?

18259 times30 answers1 follower
gilson lastreaction answered
dellda dellda answered

What is the best Play to Earn NFT Mobile Games is the main question being asked here so if you are into this then that would be best for all of us now. Read more stuff on Nft games as these are the ones that you can see and get to know for now.

KennethHarper KennethHarper answered

You’ve seen the numbers and you’ve read the statistics. You know what your potential audience is like and you see a huge untapped potential for your e-learning products. I prefer to check over here and get more new things about quality games. But then again, there are so many tools available with varying capabilities. Well, that’s why I want to share some of my favorites with you because the market is flooded with options and quality products can become difficult to find.

aaronramsdale aaronramsdale answered

Thanks so much for your information. Join fall guys and wordle unlimited to have fun with friends and family.

Sumeet Zarkar Sumeet Zarkar answered

Adobe Flash, Adobe Captivate, Articulate Storyline, Articulate Presenter, and yes, Powerpoint are the industry standards. eLearning Brothers has a bunch of e-learning game templates: http://elearningtemplates.com/el… in some of these commonly used formats.

You can also make simple 8-bit games using GameMaker http://www.yoyogames.com/gamemak…

You could also use Scratch, which requires little to no programming knowledge. Here some interesting examples of games created in Scratch: http://scratch.mit.edu/galleries…

Note though that for GameMaker and Scratch it may be a little tricky natively packaging them in SCORM compliant modules if you are looking to deploy them in a learning management system. Might have to link to them or embed them as web objects.




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