What’s This Whole Moodle LMS Badges thing?

Totara and Moodle badges are pretty awesome. Think of Scouts and the badges that one receives for achievements/ accomplishments. They are a fantastic way to show exactly how skilled and educated you are.  Honestly, how many people out there have a box of certificates packed away that they only pull out when asked to prove something. Online “backpacks” are given for storing your badges so you can pull it out on your smartphone if asked. however you can also show them on a WordPress blog or on Twitter, and Mozilla offers and issuer insignia to those offering badges to display on their website.

Each badge contains meta data that shows how you obtained the badge and who from it is easy to prove credibility. Definition wise I would say a badge is a digital records to show:

moodle lms badge
  • Achievements,
  • Skills,
  • Interests,
  • Affiliations
  • Roles

Totara will be able to support Open Badges in May 2013 and Moodle badges will be following soon afterward. You can definitely say that we at Paradiso Solutions as Totara Partners are super proud and very excited. Moodle and Totara show a huge amount of forward thinking by supporting Open Badges. Between just these two LMS systems Millions of learners around the world are now able to prove skills and achievements. With the success of MOOC’s this will really be awesome for learners who attend Universities or MOOCs from overseas. It hopefully will save a lot of HR people`s time checking references.

And Mozilla offers and issuer insignia to those offering badges to display on their website.

moodle lms badge
moodle lms badge

Who’s using them? Are credible organizations using them?


Currently the are being used actively by

And Organizations currently building badges will really surprise you…

Not a bad list….and that is just to name a few.

Let us know how we can help your organization start offering and recognizing badges.

This video by ParadisoSolutions.com shows how Moodle badges feature works.

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