What’s new in the moodle 2.3 release notes?

Moodle 2.3 is now available!

You can get new packages from the Moodle download page or access the code directly from our main git repository (recommended) or via one of our many CVS mirrors (soon to be deprecated).

All the new features and improvements are described in the Moodle 2.3 release notes, but here are some headlines:

  • Course interface – the course formats have been enhanced to make it quicker and easier to create and manage your course.  Everything in your course can be dragged around the screen, and files and links can be dragged and dropped straight from your desktop. A slick new activity chooser makes it fast and easy to add activities at any time.  When your course gets long, split it into multiple pages.  (No more scroll of death!)


  • Files and repositories – it’s now a lot easier and prettier to manage files anywhere in Moodle.  You can see and manage the content you have, while also introducing new content easily via our many repository interfaces. These include many popular services around the internet (such as Google Docs, Dropbox, Box.net, Amazon and so on) as well as some you may have installed at your institution, like Equella or any network drive.  As with Moodle 2.0, you can copy your content in Moodle, but you can now also securely reference external files as aliases (shortcuts), so when you update the file in the repository, it also updates in Moodle.  This is a feature that simply does not exist in any other LMS – it allows you to use your repositories to their full potential and keep content where it belongs.


  • Assignment module – this critical assessment module has been completely rewritten from the ground up, fixing a lot of quirks and providing a good foundation for more growth in Moodle 2.4.  As well as that, a new Advanced grading method called “Marking guide” has been added, with features like canned comments.


There’s a lot more – see the Moodle 2.3 release notes to see all the new features and full developer credits.

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