What Are The Advantages of Micro-learning and Nano-learning?
Micro-learning and Nano learning are eLearning trends designed to deliver knowledge and skills efficiently. They share several common benefits, including:
Capture the Attention of the Younger Audience
Younger generations prefer short content on social media platforms. Micro-learning and nano-learning are effective methods to ensure knowledge retention. Like TikTok or Instagram reels, Nano learning videos deliver engaging information in 30-second to 5-minute clips. Leveraging mobile learning through an LMS reaches younger smartphone learners, replicating the social media experience. Adopting these approaches enhances learning for younger audiences.
Empower Learners through Flexible Learning Approaches
In the past, long lectures and completing an entire e-learning course at once were common. But learners would often get tired and lose focus during these lengthy sessions. Nowadays, 57% of employees prefer learning at their speed. That’s where micro-learning and nano-learning comes in. These methods allow learners to take shorter lessons and go back to review content when needed. It helps prevent fatigue, improve memory retention, and get the most out of e-learning courses.
Harness the Power of Bite-sized Learning Modules
According to a 2020 workplace report, nearly half of learners claim they lack time for workplace learning. Busy schedules and heavy workloads make it challenging for employees to prioritize L&D. However, ensuring training completion for all employees is crucial for organizational growth. Micro-learning and nano-learning provide ideal solutions, allowing learners to complete training in short bursts of 5-10 minutes. This approach maintains the quality and effectiveness of the content while offering targeted, focused, and concise lessons.
Improve Knowledge Retention For Long-Lasting Learning
Research reveals that learners usually forget a significant portion of what they’ve learned if they don’t actively retain it. Revisiting lengthy training courses can be time-consuming. To address this, nano-learning modules offer quick refreshers, allowing learners to keep information without repeating the entire training process. Micro-learning utilizes short quizzes and gamified assessments to test and reinforce knowledge, ensuring better retention. These approaches optimize learning outcomes by efficiently strengthening and retaining essential information.
Time and Cost Savings with Micro-learning and Nano-learning
Research shows that developing a 25-minute instructor-led online/virtual module can take around 55 hours. While larger organizations can handle the time investment, it can be challenging for smaller ones with competing priorities. Fortunately, micro-learning and nano-learning provide a more efficient solution. These approaches simplify content creation, saving costs and enhancing the return on investment (ROI) for eLearning trends content, making it more accessible to organizations of all sizes.