Ease your training processes with Paradiso LMS SSO (Single Sign-On) feature

With the LMS SSO feature or Single Sign-On, the training processes could be more agile, because it lets you focus on the really important activities and maintain the security at every login and credential authentication.

SSO (Single Sign-On) is the functionality that allows you to enter the LMS with the credentials you have in other sites, that can be from the social networking platforms such as Facebook or Google, internal servers of the company thanks to the LDAP protocol or with other platforms or business software such as Salesforce or Zoom, just to name a few.

In this way, with the use of LMS SSO feature, your users will have the possibility of accessing the eLearning content assigned and authorized previously, with a single session start.

The use of LMS SSO will bring great advantages to your company, with the implementation of this feature you will be able to see how the training processes of your company gain agility and culminate with success.

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Other benefits of LMS SSO feature are:


  • Security in the session sign process: The security policies that you have established for the servers of your company will be applied in Paradiso LMS.
  • Efficiency in the processes: By avoiding multiple logins and what this entails, users will be able to focus more on advancing the training.
  • Increased engagement of users with the training: Thanks to the implementation of LMS SSO feature, users are more likely to use Paradiso LMS more often. Similarly, with integrated tools such as gamification and high interactivity, the user can feel more comfortable with eLearning training and successfully complete it.
  • Reduction of costs: Your users will have the possibility of entering the LMS platform with a unique username and password previously established. Thus, they will not have to memorize multiple users and passwords, since they access an internal network within the company that is responsible for authentication. By managing fewer passwords, the system wonโ€™t have to repeatedly request the reinstatement or renewal of credentials.
  • Utilization of company resources: Many companies use networks that integrate internal processes and contain employee information. The use of the LDAP protocol allows the management of userโ€™s identities. With the help of the LDAP protocol, you can manage the entry to the LMS from your main server. This also allows users who are removed from the main server to lose access in Paradiso LMS.

How does LMS SSO feature work in Paradiso Solutions eLearning platform?

  1. It publishes an authentication request link, that can be accessed as a POST request from the Webโ€™s portal. The message must contain at least username, token (same for all users allowed to auth with this method) and email address.
  2. A Token can be defined as a string of 32 characters in length in PLMS plugin configuration.
  3. Valid domains parameter will also be included in plugin configuration to allow only enabled referrer domains to do the direct login into PLMS.
  4. If the user’s email doesnโ€™t exist in the PLMS DB, then it creates a new user and it logs the user in.
  5. If the user’s email exists, and if the user authentication is set to the token, then it logs the user in.

Ease the authentication processes inside your company implementing the Single Sign-On feature to access Paradiso LMS. Stop worrying about wasting time and low productivity, focus on the important!

Get more information by sending an email to [email protected] and scheduling a demo with one of our team members.

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