Learning Management System Evaluation Criteria

A Guide to Learning Management System Evaluation Criteria

Choosing the best LMS for your company or institution is not a task that should be taken lightly. Many suppliers in the market focus their efforts on providing special technical tools for corporate or pharmaceutical sectors, where the requirements are different from those of an educational institution or a foundation. That is why to find the platform that best suits your needs we have analyzed the things you should consider before choosing eLearning software and we organized it in this Learning Management System evaluation criteria.

The aspects to be taken into account must be considered from a global perspective, taking as a pillar the end users (students or employees), but also the characteristics of the platform to cover their needs at the technical level and the concept of the instructors or those who will administer and deliver the contents.

These are 9 considerations to perform a Learning Management System evaluation criteria

1. Alternative costs

When looking for an LMS you must take into account the budget of your company. Buying a Learning Management System does not only have to do with the acquisition of the software as such but the integrations, courses, add-on’s, hours of training, personalized work and number of users count in the final price. So be sure to know details about each price to pay and exactly why it is being paid.

2. Free Trial / Cloud LMS

A company thatโ€™s proud of its product does not hesitate to offer it for free trials and even offer an option beyond. The SaaS LMS platforms are a free option designed for users to become familiar with the LMS software, with its basic features and the cloud’s operation of the platform, which makes it cheaper and easier to implement for beginners.

3. Make sure it meets your requirements / RFP Option

Surely you want the LMS platform to easily adapt to your needs and integrate quickly with your other tools. The LMS you choose must be able to fulfill your requirements. Use the request for proposal (RFP) to have detailed specifications of the platform you want.

4. Check the included features

Ask detailed questions about the LMS features, what amount of features it includes, which of them you have to acquire separately or what developments take more time are some of the details to take into account. Knowing the details of what you will receive and the delivery time is key to the success of the purchase.

5. Listen to your users

Perform a market study to know your end user. Taking into account the contents that will be taught through the LMS and to whom they will be taught will allow you to create an effective platform that adapts to the learning needs of the students and the objectives of the training program. In this way, you can acquire a platform suitable for the corporate sector, for example, the pharmaceutical with compliance training or dedicate the LMS to children’s education by personalizing the features of it.

6. Live Demo Availability

It is very important that you have clarity on the operation, characteristics and main features of the platform and to solve all your doubts there is no better method than performing a live demo where a representative of the LMS company shows you in depth the Learning Management System that you are about to acquire.

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7. Training and Support

To deliver quality training to your users, you must know the platform in depth. For this, it is necessary that the LMS provider has a detailed program of training and constant support. The accompaniment is key to the understanding and implementation of virtual education programs.

8.ย Customization

At this point, it is important to be clear about the scope of the customization provided by the LMS. The color, the distribution, the logo of your company or the specific characteristics you need must be possible within the LMS.

9. Providerโ€™s Reliability

The reputation of the company that provides the Learning Management System speaks for itself. Likewise, the relationship of trust that you develop with the sales, support, development and project management team will be key to the success of your training programs.

Why Choose Paradiso LMS?

Paradiso LMS is the best Learning Management System for any type of virtual training program. Ours is one of the best e-learning platforms, offering a plethora of cool features thatโ€™d reform the way you perceive learning. Our clientele ranges from corporate biggies to renowned universities. We create innovative tailor-made e-learning courses keeping your end-users i.e. learners in mind. The solutions we create stand tall on the strong base of technology and research.

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