Who Uses Corporate LMS
Corporate LMS are used by organizations to manage and deliver training to their employees, contractors, and partners. They are commonly used in a variety of industries, including education, healthcare, finance, government, and technology. LMS software can be used to deliver a wide range of training content, including onboarding materials, product and service updates, regulatory compliance training, and professional development courses. They are often used to track employee progress, assess learning outcomes, and provide reporting and analytics on training programs.
Depending on the size of the firm, the L&D or HR staff will be in charge of managing corporate online training and will employ LMS. The following types of users can be found within an organization:
An administrator is someone who manages the system; in more user-friendly LMSs, this person may be an IT specialist, but in more complicated LMS, they may also be a course creator.
An author is a person who develops online training courses and uploads them to learning management systems.